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Item Count: 0
Sub-Total: $0.00


Gus Pacchiega

Campus Store Director

Apparel, Soft Goods & Operations

(435) 652-7640

[email protected]

Jill Tobler

Gifts, Memorabilia & Art Supplies

(435) 652-2245

[email protected]

Xanthan Ionel

Computer & Electronics

(435) 652-7644

[email protected]

Claudia West

Textbook Manager

(435) 652-7642

[email protected]

Carol Quinn

Textbooks, Textbook Rentals

(435) 652-2242

[email protected]

Bethany Hunt

Accounts Receivable & Sponsored Students Specialist

(435) 652-7648

[email protected]

[email protected]

Melanie Holm

Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable Office Specialist

(435) 652-7648

[email protected]

Jeff Rasmussen

Freight/Online Sales Specialist

(435) 652-7644

[email protected]

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